Java Developer Job Description: 2022 Career Guide With Required Skills

And embracing the Testing first philosophy will make you more productive and your code more stable. With solid testing skills helping you produce great code, you’ll spend less time troubleshooting and more time creating. First introduced to the world back in 1996, Java today is still very much in demand. Over 35% of programmers worldwide worked in this language in 2021.

It takes away the pain of JDBC to interact with persistent technology like Relational databases and allows you to focus on building application logic using Objects. If you need some recommendations to learn REST, then check out this RESTful Web Services, Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and JPA course on Udemy for Java developers. When I saw those skills, I can immediately tell that those are really useful and worth sharing with you guys, as I have often seen those skills playing important roles while hiring Java developers. And because Java is such a fast language, it’s an outstanding option for AI and ML. With many libraries and tools for ML (such as Weka 3), you’ll find the language well suited for the task.


Jenkins automates the building, testing, and deployment of applications. If you have a web application, Jenkins can be set up to automatically deploy your application to a server whenever you push your changes to your repository. Object-oriented programming, or OOP, is a way of writing code based on the concept of “objects.” Objects are instances of classes how to become a java developer that hold data and methods. In OOP, the focus is on creating reusable and modular code by breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable components that can interact with each other. Developers need to be aware of JSON APIs like Jackson, Gson, JSON-io, and Genson. Java standard libraries have a JSON-p package based on JSR specification.

Managing small projects will help you develop your system architecture and management skills (as well as give you some projects to show potential employers during job interviews). Once you’ve written code, you will need to test it with code review tools to identify potential issues. Your employer may expect you to perform a range of rests on your code, including functionality testing, static code testing, unit testing, and single-user performance testing. Pass-around testing is a way development teams ask for feedback by emailing their colleagues their code before deployment.

Advent Of Code 2023: Day 1 – Trebuchet

A developer may never be sure what part of the project is about to blow up if there is a slight change made to the code. It is a good practice for Java programmers to use only these libraries from trusted sources that fulfill multiple purposes in order to save valuable memory resources. Coming across Null pointer exceptions is inevitable when working as a Java software developer, but it is worth following some basic guidelines in order to handle them properly. Some developers go even a step further and make an argument for self-documenting code.

what every java developer should know